Testosterone is often thought of in relation to men's sexual health. While this is true, this important hormone is also essential to decrease cardiovascular disease risk, maintain muscle mass and strength and keep us in a happy mood. These benefits are seen in both men and women with optimal testosterone levels.

What is testosterone?
Testosterone is a hormone produced primarily in the testicles for males. Testosterone helps maintain a man's:
Bone density
Fat distribution on the body
Muscle strength and mass
Facial and body hair
Red blood cell production
Sex drive
Sperm production
Testosterone levels decrease as a normal part of aging. The downward trend usually starts after age 30 and continues at a rate of about one percent per year. Thus the older a man becomes, the more likely he may suffer from low T.
Other factors besides age can contribute to a drop in testosterone levels.
These factors include
injury to the testicles
pituitary gland problems
cancer treatments
certain medications
chronic kidney or liver disease
substance abuse
The most common symptoms of low T are:
loss of sex drive
erectile dysfunction
hair loss
loss of muscle mass
weight gain
increasing abdominal fat
Low T can be dangerous because it can place a man in danger of:
heart disease
heart attacks
high blood pressure
At Lifeway Health we have several ways to measure your hormone levels and guide you in how to optimize them. Appointments can be virtual or in-person. Call today to get your appointment scheduled. (828) 761-1710